Making A Poker Table Topper

Making A Poker Table Topper Rating: 5,0/5 4755 reviews

How to build a poker table top How to build a poker table top out of wood How to build a poker table top out of wood HOW TO BUILD A POKER TABLE TOP


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(Delta Walker)
Navy Broadcasting Service - DINFOS Trained Killer

How to Build a Poker Table Overview for How to Build a Poker Table. Download fun extras including drink and food pairings, to go with this project. Mark the plywood game table. On the underside of the table, measure and mark the sides 14 inches from each corner. Cut the plywood game table. 88ProBet only uses the most secure and most reliable payment with several options to choose from like OCBC Bank, POSB, UOB, and DBS. We How To Make A Poker Table Topper make your online betting accounts management safe and easy. Our How To Make A Poker Table Topper 24/7 customer service team is always available to process your deposits and withdrawals.


Last updated 12.10.2020 (1 manufacturer added)
Posted 9.2.2017
26 total manufacturers

If you just want to get to the manufacturers please scroll down. Thanks to all those who helped contribute to this list!
A bit of an introduction to game tables...
I was looking on again off again for a dining/game table for some time. I came across some posts here and there, and a helpful list by Eviljelloman, and I wanted to make a very-organized, comprehensive and up to date list for others to reference. If you have a suggestion please message me with the details and I'll see about adding them. I'm no longer noting if a company will ship to the United States as there are many builders already here. I have since purchased a table through Uniquely Geek.

Round Table Toppers

The couple pieces of advice I would put out there are be careful with table manufacturers that offer one-piece or two-piece toppers, or a large insert that sits between the arm rests. Large, flat, thin pieces of wood can warp. There are at least two vendors on my list I've read about warping issues with the tops. I'd ask about a warranty or future service regarding this potential problem. Some manufacturers will address this on their site.
UsedKeep in mind you may need help to remove and replace the topper every time you want to use the table to play a game in the vault. Some toppers can weigh 60 pounds or more. Think about how and where you're going to store that topper while you're gaming. My table uses leaves (small panels running across the short dimension of the table that are held up by a small ledge inside the arm rests). My table includes a storage cube with a foam insert to protect the leaves when you are using the table. I love it!
Another thing to think about is what kind of gaming surface do you want? Some may offer only matching wood. My table has a water-tight dry-erase finish in the vault in case you spill something. Some manufacturers will supply removable mats, some glue a fabric in place, others have removable fabric covered panels. These panels can even have a different color and/or material on each side.
Also keep in mind shipping costs (white glove service versus shippers that may leave your table on the curb) and any help needed to carry this into your house. Usually manufacturers require you to inspect an item before accepting delivery in case there's damage. If a shipper just leaves something on the curb and it's damaged you might be out of luck with a claim. In my case I lived within the delivery range of Uniquely Geek so the builder, and his family, delivered and set up the table.
Don't limit yourself by not asking questions when contacting a manufacturer. Some manufacturers have templates they work off of and won't budge from them. Some may either create a table from scratch or slightly customize one of their existing tables. Just because you don't see what you want on a site doesn't mean it's not a possibility. Uniquely Geek is one of those companies that will build a table from scratch.
Things I won't include on this list: standard dining tables (sorry Ikea fans, but they don't make a true gaming table with a vault), standard fold up tables, game table tops that are meant to be placed on top of your existing table.
I'll change the date when I either add or remove a manufacturer (because they closed) from this list. Keep in mind this list is just to make you aware of the manufacturers out there. I won't be able to keep up with changes in offerings or pricing.
All pictures shown are copyrighted by their respective owners. Please let me know if an image is broken. Companies routinely overhaul their websites and image paths change. This list hot links to all the images displayed.
Bandpass Design - - Based in Washington. This company was formed by former Geek Chic employees. They offer three tables. Prices range from $3,000 to $4,650. The unique thing about these tables is the lack of typical table accessories. The card holders, cup holders and assorted bits trays are built right into the arm rests. They also have removable tops.

BBO Poker Tables - - Based in Pittsburg, California. They offer a large variety of poker tables that convert into dining tables. The one-piece topper will take two people to remove as it covers the sides of the table as well. They also offer a couple of nonconvertible tables. Prices range from $750 to $2000 with free shipping. They have many tables available for immediate shipment.
Blatt Billiards - - Based in New York City. They manufacture and offer a large variety of pool tables that convert into dining tables, they also represent some other manufacturers. No prices posted. Table lengths vary from 6' and up.

Board Game Tables - - Based in Olathe, Kansas. They offer six different styles of game tables and dining table conversions. Toppers/inserts are one, two, three, or four piece. Prices range from $800 to $2500 base price depending on size and style. They are highly configurable as far as drawers, cup holders, and types of woods and stains.
They continue to offer their Kickstarter table The Jasper which is a budget-friendly, modular table that you assemble. It's also made in America and costs $599 (topper extra).
Carolina Game Tables - - Based in North Carolina. They manufacture five different tables ranging from $899 to $2399. Toppers are one or two piece. Features the widest arm rests I've ever seen. Cup holders are cut into the surface of the armrest. These tables do not have an accessory rail. The fabric is glued to the bottom of the vault, it's not a removable mat. The tables only have options as far as cup holders and if the topper is one or two piece, and the finish. They also manufacture chairs and benches. If you watch the Geek & Sundry channel's Game the Game series, you may see the Streamer table.
They have an option for $400 you can upgrade your table production to just 2 weeks. I haven't seen another manufacturer offer this before anywhere.

Chuck-a-Con Game Sales - - Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They offer one style of table priced at $3,195. It is a pedestal-style table sporting internal storage in the base, not the traditional four-leg style. The topper is one piece, and there are no armrests.
Fusion Tables - - Based in Belgium. They offer dining tables that convert into pool tables. They also offer chairs and benches. No prices posted.

Game On Tables - - Based in Plymouth, Indiana. They offer fifteen styles of tables that convert from dining to gaming. Tables use removable leaves. Prices start at $1,450. They also offer storage cabinets and chairs.
Geek N Son - - Based in Worcestershire, England. They do ship to the U.S. They offer four dining tables that convert to gaming tables, and two coffee tables that convert to gaming tables. Tables use one piece toppers or leaves. They also offer chairs. Prices start at $1,500 not including overseas shipping costs.
You can still late pledge a Kickstarter for the Megan series of tables and accessories. The Kicktarter ended September 9, 2020.

Hammered Game Tables - - River Falls, Wisconsin. They offer four styles of tables for role playing games. They have removable tops, individual player stations, and you can dine on them as well. These are modular tables meaning they do not ship assembled. You can even expand the tables later on? Prices start at $2,500 and shipping is not included, but definitely lower than shipping an assembled table.
Joinery Spandau - - Neckartenzlingen, Germany. They have one table called The Legionary. The table uses leaves to cover the gaming vault. You can purchase accessories like cup holders and trays. The table is made of beech wood and there are four finishes to choose from. They will ship to the U.S. Prices range from $1,800 to $2,200.Table

Julio's Wood Shop - - Based in Lyons, Illinois. Julio runs a one-man shop and makes custom tables and accessories. There are no stock offerings to choose from. There is a gallery of some of his tables and a custom order form.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Making A Poker Table Topper
Krema Designs - - Based in Minot, North Dakota. They offer quite a variety of tables from coffee table sized to 8 player sized. Prices vary from $1,095 to $7,000.

McFadden Board Game Tables - - Based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. They do ship to the U.S. Their website is a one-pager with no useful information about their products. You will need to email the company for a brochure. I priced their most inexpensive table and it was approximately $2,300 not including shipping.
Mesas para juegos - - Based in Lucena, Spain. Unknown if they will ship to the U.S. They offer three tables that convert from dining table to gaming table using removable leaves. Prices range from $1,000 to $1,600 not including shipping.

Nilo Gamer Table - - Based in Vista, California. This is a Kick Starter project however it will continue production after the project has fulfilled its orders.
There are two offerings. The Nilo Gamer Table offers a 32' x 48' play area with optional topper, and the Nilo Master Table offers a 36' x 60' play area, with an adjustable vault from 1' to 4' along with a topper for dining. Prices range from $299 to $419, toppers extra. It is offered in three finishes.
R&P Dice Tables - - Based in Koszalin, Poland. I emailed to ask about shipping outside of the country (I didn't say to which one) and the reply stated the shipping was already included in the price of the table. They offer two tables that convert from dining table to gaming table using removable leaves. Prices range from $1,500 to $3,200.

Rathskellers - - Based in Thessaloniki, Greece. They do ship to the U.S. They offer four tables that convert from dining table to gaming table using removable leaves. Prices range from $4,400 to $5,400 not including shipping.
They have a crowdfunding project called the Sunnygeeks Gaming Table which has funded at a previous campaign of theirs and they will be launching the same table on Kickstarter October 6, 2020. You can check it out here
This is a table that uses lots of magnets and thin sheets of embedded metal that lock a series of storage bins around the perimeter forming the game vault. There are over 15 accessories with magnets and can be used inside and outside of the 5' x 3' game vault that you can assemble, and reconfigure. It's designed to store the table leaves under the table. They are even offering chairs that match the table. The base version of this table is $1,315. They intend to continue manufacture of these tables after the Kickstarter has ended.
Roanoke Custom Gaming Tables - - Based in Roanoke, Virginia. They offer four tables that convert from dining table to gaming table using a one piece topper. Only two of the tables have armrests. Prices range from $950 to $2,800 not including shipping.
As of August 9, 2020 the site says they are taking a break from building tables with a focus on accessories only. They say that building tables again will return, just not in the near future.

Santiago - - Based in Heijen, Netherlands. They offer a basic table, but will customize it at your request. They offer a reversible vault floor where you can have different colors of fabric on each side. They also have table extenders where you could set out food, reference materials, or have another player join you. You can also have a fabric panel that sits at table top level (be it a leaf, or full-length). LED lighting and USB are options. They even make a cabinet for storing table accessories and the table leafs. $2,218 is the cost of a standard sized table including VAT. You'll have to contact them regarding shipping to your country.

Making A Poker Table Topper Set

Studio 6d6 - - Based in Menasha, Wisconsin. They offer two models of gaming tables (one has a glass top) intended for role playing games. Prices start at $1,595 not including shipping.

Tables 4 Games - - Based in Augusta, Georgia. Offers one style of table in several sizes, optional standard or wide armrests, and with the ability to customize. Comes with a one-piece topper. Does not have an accessory rail. Prices range from $800 to $2,200 not including shipping.
Under the Table Gaming - - Based in Kennesaw, Georgia. They offer a table with a one-piece topper that can be customized. Cup holders are optional but the table doesn't appear to have an accessory rail. They can make a matching bench for an extra fee. The standard-sized table is $899. There is a shipping calculator on the site. They also make a game table topper which can be used anywhere.

Uniquely Geek - - Based in Queen Creek, Arizona. They offer three dining tables that convert to gaming tables, and one coffee table that converts to a gaming table using removable leaves. They also make numerous matching accessories. They will also create custom sized tables. Prices start at $1,950 not including shipping. They also make a reproduction of the defunct Geek Chic table The Vizier. They call theirs Legacy.

Poker Table Toppers

Wheatland Woodwork - - Based in Calgary, Canada. They do have a photo gallery on their main page, but you'll want to click on the Pricing Guide button to view the information on their tables. Prices start at $1,995 for a poplar 3' x 5' table. They offer 20 varieties of wood and will stain as well. They have toppers that cover the entire table or panels that between the rails. As they are a custom shop they offer options such as pedestal, trestle and wrought iron legs, inserts for televisions, etc.

Making A Poker Table Topper Sets

Wyrmwood - - Based in Taunton, Massachusetts. They offer one premium model of dining table the Prophecy that converts to a gaming table. It feature removable leaves and a unique variable-depth game vault that can be raised or lowered by means of a removable hand-operated wheel. Price starts at $5,000 not including shipping.
They had a Kickstarter that ended on October 9, 2020 for a modular game table. They state you will be able to pre-order it.
  • Edited Fri Dec 11, 2020 3:05 am
  • Posted Sat Sep 2, 2017 6:50 pm
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